Step 1 of Brain Education: Brain Sensitizing
Our understanding of the brain is generally conceptual rather than experiential. We’re aware that we have a brain, but have you thought about developing a relationship with your brain?
Unfortunately in our fast-paced and competitive world, many people are numb to what’s going on within themselves. The goal of Brain Sensitizing is to first awaken the brain’s senses to feel the brain (not overthink) and see what’s really happening physically, emotionally, and mentally inside of yourself. Once you do that, you’ll be able to observe the exact obstacles that prevent you from health, happiness, and peace—and overcome them through the later steps. Brain Sensitizing guides you to de-numb and de-autopilot yourself.
“Brain Sensitizing is awakening the brain’s senses to feel the body and mind. ”
With Brain Sensitizing, you’ll learn how to open your brain’s senses by moving your body. These movements include meridian stretching, body tapping, twisting, shaking, and dynamic meditations to help you feel your energetic sense beyond your external, physical sense. When you connect with that, your brain will identify where your body is uncomfortable and in what kinds of emotions and thoughts you get stuck.
Four Categories of Brain Sensitizing Methods
Brain Sensitizing builds a foundation for the rest of the steps in the Brain Education system.
Feeling the Body is for awakening parts of the brain connected with the body by moving joints and muscles.
Feeling the Breath involves checking whether your breathing is comfortable or uncomfortable, fast or slow, shallow or deep. Your awareness of body and mind increases as you feel and control your breath.
Feeling Energy is experiencing qi (chi) energy in the body by concentrating your awareness in one part of your body, specifically the palms. During this process your brain waves slow to alpha waves and quiet any busy thoughts and emotions.
Feeling the Brain uses visualization techniques to increase your brain’s awareness of hidden emotions, thoughts, beliefs, and experiences within you.