Step 3 of Brain Education: Brain Refreshing
Do you carry unresolved emotions that affect you physically and mentally? How sensible is it to continue harboring negative emotions when they wreak havoc on your body and energy? Brain Refreshing is the process of clearing out negative beliefs and emotional trauma that negatively affect one’s health.
In energy practice, we say that all diseases have their roots in unresolved emotions stored in our bodies. Emotions can be some of our worst enemies—especially when they consume us and lead us to make decisions we regret. Big or small, we all carry emotional trauma in our brains that affect our daily thoughts, behaviors, and actions. The goal is not to kill or suppress these emotions, but rather, to have greater control over them and our thoughts and to transcend emotional residue from past experiences that prevent us from moving forward.
“Brain Refreshing is freeing yourself from the past and making positive change possible. ”
Brain Refreshing is achieved through a combination of tapping and a dynamic, moving meditation that is unique to Brain Education called Brain Wave Vibration (BWV). BWV involves stimulating the brain stem and amygdala, which governs memory and emotions, through gentle shaking. BWV has been shown to lower hyperactive brainwaves to the meditative alpha (α) state and—according to a research done at the University of London—to improve sleep while reducing illness.